Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Discuss Moral Values

Societies have ide bothy tried to uphold high ethical standards and moral values as the code of conduct for all members. Individuals try to behave according to such standards plainly in truth what is construed as moral or dissolute are generally coition to the values adhered to by the one-on-one (Fisher, 2005). If the person values money and wealth, then(prenominal) being unscrupulous in doing business to gain more clams will non be immoral. On the other hand if the individual values justice and fairness, then his/her behavior would naturally be in accordance with such values ands is expected to be morally upright.In the somatic world there is more room for less moral restraints and unethical behavior. Corporations promote competitiveness and reward those who are able to close the biggest heap or to shoot for the largest customer or the greatest profit which agency that individuals will likely pursue these goals without any qualms of whether it is moral or not. For exam ple, the incarnate scandals in the stock exchange was said to have been done to get hold of the stock price upwards falsely even if it meant cheating the shareholders of their money.It is immoral to cheat or to take advantage of other people but for those in the corporate world, it is the usual way of doing business. Some corporations are so competitive that even employees themselves try to outsmart each other and get on top, even if it meant backstabbing, falsely accusing others or even claiming assign for other peoples work. However, not all companies are transmit this way, some try to be just and honest, but if the organization does not promote a culture of positive moral values then their employees would really not be required to behave as such.

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